MLM and the Need to be Cautious
Of course no one have to neglect that the income they are making now was not the result of luck, proper placement in the company's matrix, or joining at the right time usually at the very beginning. Those things have nothing to do with MLM success. What brought them where they are today was nothing else but hard work and determination to succeed and reach their goals. I am sorry but there is no easy way to money and success, not in multilevel marketing or in any other field in life. Nothing can substitute hard work and knowledge when it comes to success.
Today is very easy for someone to join an MLM opportunity and most of the time it can be done through the Internet. All that someone needs is an address and a credit card and of course to be over 18 years old. The cost to participate in a multilevel marketing business opportunity is very small and except rare cases is in the range of less than a hundred dollars. Of course some companies require some monthly minimum purchase of products in order for the member to remain active, but others don't.
That doesn't mean of course that your expenses end there as you may need to spend some additional money for advertising and promotion, if you are marketing online through the Internet, or for material like books, tapes, or product samples to give to your prospects if you try to recruit offline.
But not everything in the MLM network marketing world is rosy as there are many instances in which someone may invest money and time building with a company only to see the company going bankrupt. And of course you don't need me to mention the countless scams that take place especially online looking to get the money from unsuspected newbies who don't know the industry well and lack experience to distinguish a legitimate opportunity from a scheme.
When someone learns about multilevel marketing or come across some advertisement and gets excited it is easy for him to throw every caution out of the window and rush to join the first opportunity he finds. That kind of behavior is extremely risky of course and many have regraded for not taking the time to investigate the company a little further or not seeing what else was out there before they committed themselves to join an MLM company.
There are many that join scams and lose money as a consequence and many other that join MLM prelaunches or relatively new companies in the market that later fail to continue operations and close down. Of course here the greatest loss is not the money but the time and effort that went wasted. Imagine to have build a small downline with a few members and by the time you see your organization to really start taking off and the number of sales to increase the same time the company goes bankrupt.
Other things for someone to consider is the possibility that a company even if it operates for a few years there is the chance that something is wrong with its business model and compensation plan that violates the relevant law. In the beginning when the opportunity is small with few members such things may go unnoticed but as it grows bigger and attracts more and more members it may come under the scrutiny of the authorities and such problems would be revealed. That is why someone needs to be aware of the regulations that govern the multilevel marketing industry. Knowledge can give you great protection.
As you can understand being cautious is necessary when you are planning to become a member of a company that operates under the MLM business model and you have to do your homework before you decide to join one.
Try to find as much as you can about the founders and the management team, the years in operation, the compensation plan, and their claims about the product. Check to see if they may possibly violate some law that could bring them in a courtroom some day. Try to find if there is a market for the products otherwise you would have a great problem at finding customers and recruiting new MLM distributors.
Try to check some forums or blogs that discussions about the company are taking place and see the arguments that each side is using. Examine if any accusations may be plausible but of course take everything with a grain of salt as it is very easy to spread rumors using the Internet and mislead people. Try to separate facts from opinion and put your mind to work as you would be the only one that would take that decision for yourself and no one else.
But of course not everything is about caution and proper evaluation. You might find an opportunity that passes every test but it doesn't click inside of you. Sometimes you need to find something that you have some passion about it and it excites you in order to find the motivation and willingness to do the hard MLM work that is required. It is not always necessary as there are many examples of distributors that joined a company that didn't excite them that much but they had the willingness and dedication to work hard no matter what and managed to sustain that will for a few years until they reached success.
But wouldn't be better if you could become part of something that gives you excitement and you love to do?
Well that's something for yourself to decide.
Read more articles by: Chris Kosman
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